Tag Archives: #NRWard3Buddy

North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: September 2020 (Volume 1)

Greetings Residents,

As a former North Royalton School Board Member, Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Board Member, North Royalton City Councilman and United States Army Veteran, I truly love serving my country and community through public service.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit our community, our city was already in trouble with the dysfunctional city government leading it.  Serving in the minority of City Council, I began to blow the whistle on these serious issues. I even successfully led a historic community effort against the mayor’s unilateral closure of our city jail and saved it. But the majority did not like that at all. They resorted to grimy politics, deleting public records, trying to get me kicked out of my church, violating my constitutional rights, led a mutiny against me to force me out as a duly elected official and the list goes on.

No doubt politics is a very dirty business, but when they targeted my 13 year old step son’s race and other family members for sport it became very personal. I have taken the time these last few months from it all so my family and I could heal and grow from this horrific experience. I have more desire than ever before to make sure the community has a voice. So many residents like you have contacted me, helped with the healing process, expressed your personal experiences of how you have been hurt by officials in our city government, and urged me to retake my seat on council.

I am ecstatic to announce that I will be re-running to earn back my Ward 3 City Council seat with your vote and support in the November 2021 General Election. I am confident that with an entirely new City Council and majority that we can make North Royalton a better city for all our families.

This is the first volume of my new and improved E-Newsletter to help keep you up to date on what is going on with our City Government, Community, and ways we can work together to advocate for the changes we need to help clean up City Hall.

Please feel free to contact me if I can be any service to you or your family.  I look forward to earning your support so that I can successfully return back to City Council and work even harder for all of you.


Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

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Ward 3 E-Newsletter: June 2020

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,Summer is here. Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic is still here too. Here in Ward 3 we have lost a resident to COVID-19. We have also had residents get COVID-19, including one resident who was hospitalized for over 40 days and even was on a ventilator. They have beaten COVID-19 and are home now. But their kidneys are compromised as a result of the virus and require dialysis. I share this with you all because we all want things to return back to normal.  But until there is a vaccine and further medical advances we all still need to be careful. So please continue to wear a face-covering or mask in public, use social distancing, wash your hands, sanitize commonly used surfaces at home, stay home if you are sick, and proper hygiene to help eliminate the spread of COVID-19 in our community! You can also read by Click Here why I feel it is important to do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Again I am so proud of how brave, patient, and caring you all have been to help our fellow neighbors and local businesses struggling as a result of COVID-19! I have some additional COVID-19 information that you should be aware of since my last update and whats going in your city government.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

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Ward 3 Quick Update: March 23, 2020

Ward 3 Resident,

As your City Councilman I am doing all I can to help you and your families through this COVID-19 emergency. I get daily updates from our State Lawmakers, various agencies, and officials on this every changing situation. I have even participated last Friday in a teleconference with our United States Congressman Anthony Gonzalez and other elected officials to provide input on how the federal government can help us here locally and our first responders on the front lines of this war against COVID-19. As of yesterday the Governor reported that state-wide there are 1,933 confirmed cases, 39 deaths, and 493 cases here in Cuyahoga County. I am continuing to get complaints from residents about people in our community not following the Stay at Home Order by the State of Ohio and being large groups or not practicing social distancing. If you see a large group of folks not complying with the Stay at Home Order, please contact the North Royalton Police Department when it happens at 440-237-8686. They can politely remind them of the order and get them to disburse. We all need to do our part! This is very serious and we must #StayHome to #FlattenTheCurve and end the community spread of COVID-19. Hang in there and we can get through this but we all must work together to fight this war on COVID-19!

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March 20, 2020 #NRWard3Buddy Program Launched


Councilman Dan Langshaw announces the launch of the North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Buddy Program, to establish a North Royalton Ward 3 “buddy” system in North Royalton, Ohio to ensure vulnerable and hard-to-reach community members stay connected to COVID-19 related news, food, services, and help keep a positive morale to get through the COVID-19 emergency safely.

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