Councilman Dan Langshaw announces the launch of the North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Buddy Program, to establish a North Royalton Ward 3 “buddy” system in North Royalton, Ohio to ensure vulnerable and hard-to-reach community members stay connected to COVID-19 related news, food, services, and help keep a positive morale to get through the COVID-19 emergency safely.
How to get a Buddy?
North Royalton Ward 3 residents who are interested in having a buddy are to contact Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw via email at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com, or online at http://www.danlangshaw.com/contact or by phone at 440-785-4240. We especially want elderly residents, residents living alone, those with health conditions making them high risk to COVID-19, and just residents who want to have an extra neighbor to check in on them. (Note: Residents not living in Ward 3 who want a buddy will not be turned away).
How to be a Buddy Volunteer?
Any North Royalton Ward 3 residents who are interested in volunteering to be a buddy are to contact Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw via email at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com, or online at http://www.danlangshaw.com/contact or by phone at 440-785-4240. (Note: Residents not living in Ward 3 who want to be a buddy will not be turned away). Once you volunteer to become a buddy, then Councilman will pair the two buddies together. Every effort will be made to have folks in the same neighborhood paired up. Councilman Langshaw will make the initial introductions, provide a buddy program checklist, and then the buddies will determine the frequency/means of check ins. Due to serious safety concerns with COVID-19 it is strongly urged that buddy communications are done by phone, email, Facebook, video chat, and other means till deemed safe by proper state and local authorities.
How the Program Works?
How the North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Buddy Program for the COVID-19 Emergency works. Buddies will contact each other on a daily basis or a frequency they both mutually agreed upon. The volunteer buddy will have an emergency contact of their buddy in case they are unable to be reached. The volunteer buddy when contacting their assigned buddy will go thru a basic checklist to ensure their buddy is ok and then can discuss anything they like to talk about as buddies. Due to serious safety concerns with COVID-19 it is strongly urged that buddy communications are done by phone, email, Facebook, video chat, and other means till deemed safe by proper state and local authorities. Once buddy volunteer makes contact with their assigned buddy they are to email Ward 3 Councilman Dan Langshaw at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com a quick update on their buddy as follows: that they have made contact and if their buddy needs any assistance.
Note: This program is a voluntary neighborhood program established by North Royalton Ward 3 City Councilman Dan Langshaw on March 20, 2020 and is not affiliated with any specific group, organization, or part of the North Royalton City government. All those participating are expected to take all appropriate safety measures to not put their life or others at risk during the COVID-19 Emergency.
Click Here to view North Royalton Ward 3 Neighborhood Program
North Royalton councilman starts ‘Buddy’ program, The Post Newspapers
Neighbors helping neighbors during coronavirus pandemic: Talk of the Towns, Cleveland.Com