
North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: March 2021 (Volume 9)

Greetings Residents,Spring is here and as the weather is starting to warm up, we are seeing a continued drop in COVID-19 cases. Slowly things are becoming more normal again so I wanted to share a number of important COVID-19, local government, and items to update you on since my last update.

If I can be of any service to you or your family don’t hesitate to email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com or call me at 440-785-4240.

Have a great weekend!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

COVID-19 Update

Below are the top places to get accurate and 24/7 situational information you need to know in staying safe throughout this pandemic and help to get the vaccine are the following resources:

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

State of Ohio & Governor Mike DeWine

State of Ohio Central COVID-19 Scheduling Website

Cuyahoga County Board of Health

City of North Royalton
Website: www.northroyalton.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofNorthRoyaltonOH/

Wolstein Center Mass Vaccination Clinic
On March 5, 2021, Governor DeWine announced that an eight-week mass vaccination clinic with the capacity to administer 6,000 COVID-19 vaccines a day will open in Cleveland with support from the Biden administration and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The mass vaccination clinic launched on March 17th at Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center in downtown Cleveland. Vaccine doses administered at the Wolstein Center Mass Vaccination Clinic will be in addition to Ohio’s regular statewide vaccine allotment that is distributed weekly to Ohio’s more than 1,250 established vaccine providers.The Wolstein Center Mass Vaccination Clinic will operate seven days a week and will offer first doses of the Pfizer vaccine during the first three weeks of operations. Those vaccinated during that timeframe will be guaranteed a second dose during the fourth, fifth, and sixth weeks of the clinic. The brand of vaccine that will be supplied during the final two weeks of the clinic has not yet been determined. To register for an appointment go to gettheshot.conronavirus.ohio.gov. Those with trouble navigating the internet or those without internet access can book an appointment by calling 1-833-427-5634 (1-833-4-ASK-ODH).

Vaccine Available for All Veterans
If any of you are US Military Veterans or have any employees in your businesses, please pass along the below information. The US Department of Veterans Affairs is offering the COVID-19 for ANY Veteran. 

ENROLLED: All Veterans currently enrolled and eligible for VA health care in Northeast Ohio can now schedule to receive their COVID-19 Vaccine regardless of age or pre-existing conditions.
Veterans can call the VA or complete the survey linked on the VA website below for the VA to call them. Veterans can also call the VA vaccine scheduling line at 216-707-7660.


NOT ENROLLED: Veterans who are not currently enrolled in VA health care can contact the VA Northeast Ohio Outreach team to explore their eligibility: EnrollVANEO@VA.GOV or call 216-707-7914.

Vaccine Eligibility Expanded
Governor DeWine has announced expanded vaccine eligibility in Ohio beginning on March 19, 2021, for phases 1E and 2C. Phase 1E includes those with cancer, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, and obesity. Phase 2C extends eligibility to Ohioans who are 40 and older. Between these two eligible groups, 1.6 million more Ohioans will have access to the vaccine.

Beginning on March 29, eligibility will be expanded to all Ohioans ages 16 and older. FDA emergency use authorization only allows those ages 16 and 17 to receive the Pfizer vaccine.

To book an appointment at the Wolstein Center Mass Vaccination Clinic or to find appointment information on the more than 1,300 local providers offering the vaccine statewide, visit gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov. Ohioans can also schedule mass vaccination clinic appointments by calling 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634).

Click Here to learn more about Ohio’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program.

Click Here to learn more about the Myths vs. Facts regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Click Here to view helpful information from the Cleveland Clinic regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Current COVID-19 Data as of March 20th
There are 998,819 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and 18,347 confirmed COVID-19 deaths. A total of 52,099 people have been hospitalized, including 7,324 admissions to intensive care units. In-depth data can be accessed by visiting coronavirus.ohio.gov. In the 44133 Zip Code which North Royalton is located in there are 2,524 reported cases by Cuyahoga County Board of Health. Click here to see the full report issued by the CCBH.

Ohio Unemployment ID Theft Hotline

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) has established a new toll-free number for individuals to notify the agency if they believe their personal information was compromised and used to file a fraudulent unemployment claim: (833) 658-0394. This number is staffed by 50 dedicated, cross-trained customer service representatives, 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday. One way victims have been discovering identity theft is by receiving an IRS 1099-G form for unemployment benefits that were never received.

The phone number complements a secure online portal ODJFS established last month to provide a direct way for victims to report identity theft. Individuals who believe their identity was stolen and used to file a fraudulent unemployment claim can visit unemployment.ohio.gov, click on the “Report Identity Theft” button and follow the guidance for individuals. This includes three steps: 1. Complete the reporting form, 2. File your taxes with IRS guidance, and 3. Protect your identity.

Identity theft is a widespread national challenge. Many Ohioans have become victims, and their identities used to file fraudulent unemployment claims in both the traditional unemployment and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance programs. Last month, ODJFS issued 1.7 million 1099-G tax forms to individuals in whose names unemployment benefits were paid in 2020. Many of those individuals were never paid unemployment benefits and did not know their identity had been compromised until they received a 1099-G form.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

On March 10, 2021, Congress passed The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, a broad, comprehensive policy response to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill is a combination of targeted funding and changes to policy and programming. The Rescue Plan provides relief to some of the populations hit hardest by the pandemic while also piloting new policy initiatives that members of Congress may ultimately seek to make permanent in subsequent legislation. President Biden signed The American Rescue Plan Act on March 11, 2021 into law. Here are some details below:

Financial Assistance to Individuals & Families
The Rescue Plan will provide direct cash assistance to individual Americans as well. The plan includes $1,400 for individuals and $2,800 for joint filers, with an additional $1,400 for each qualifying dependent (defined as full-time students younger than 24.)

  • Individuals with AGI < $75,000: $1,400 cash payment
  • Joint filers with AGI < $150,000: $2,800 cash payment
  • Head of households with AGI < $112,500: $1,400 cash payment

The payment is then gradually adjusted (inverse to income) and phased out entirely for those making over $80,000 for individuals, $160,000 for joint filers and $120,000 for head of household.

The Rescue Plan makes several changes to federal tax credits applicable to individuals and families. Notably:

  • Earned Income Tax Credit: Raises the credit amount for adults without children and expanding age limits
  • Child Tax Credit: Raises the credit amount to $3,000 for children 6-17 and $3,600 for children under six years. Additionally, it makes the credit fully refundable. Payments of this credit will occur monthly (rather than claiming the credit when income taxes are filed).
  • Child and Dependent Care Credit: Increases the value of the credit to include to 50% of expenses (<$8,000 for one dependent or <$16,000 for two dependents).
  • Student Loans: Clarifies that any student loan forgiven or discharged will not be considered income for income tax purposes for tax years 2021-2025.

Additional Safety Net Programs
The Rescue Plan extends unemployment benefits through September 6, 2021. This includes extending the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) to provide $300 a week on top of other benefits until September 2021.

Click Here for more information.

Food for those in Need Every Monday at County Fairgrounds

If you live in Cuyahoga County and are in need of food, the Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds has every Monday in March a drive through food pick up from Noon to 6:00pm while supplies last. Click Here for more information.


In late March of 2020, while serving on City Council I launched my #MaskUpNoRo Initiative to get as many homemade cloth face masks to residents and businesses who need them in both Ward 3 and the entire North Royalton Community to eliminate the spread of COVID-19!

Because of the help of many amazing volunteers “Mask Angels”, generous donations of supplies, and more, over 4,500 FREE homemade cloth masks have already been given out so far to the elderly, those with high risk conditions to COVID-19, #NRWard3Buddy Program residents, nurses, front line health care workers, nursing homes, residential care facilities for those with developmental disabilities, essential businesses, essential workers, first responders families, kids, teachers and more throughout North Royalton! Wearing a mask on top of other measures like social distancing and proper personal hygiene will help get us hopefully closer to a return back to normal sooner!

If you need a mask or like to make a donation of supplies email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com or call 440-785-4240.

Donations Needed for North Royalton Buddy Program

The North Royalton Buddy Program needs your help! If anyone has any kids that like to make homemade Easter cards, I could use about 20-30 homemade cards to place in our Easter care packages. If you would like to donate, some possible items include: Easter items such as mini baskets, plastic color eggs, candy,etc. Other items I need are handsantizer, sanitizer wipes, disposable masks, and sanitizing spray. Finally I need non perishable food items, can food items, or grocery gift cards. Please message me, email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com, or call me at 440-785-4240 if you are able to donate any of the above items. 

Thank you again for your continued kindness and support! This program has been a great success because of your generosity!

City Council Legislative Highlights

Some highlights from the Council Meetings for the month of March. The following legislation was approved:

  • Resolution 21-47, a resolution confirming the Mayor’s appointment of Michael Fabish to the City of North Royalton Civil Service Commission.
  • Ordinance 21-48, an ordinance accepting the bid of Crossroads Asphalt Recycling, Inc. for the 2021 Road Maintenance Program.
  • Ordinance 21-49, an ordinance accepting the bid of JD Striping and Services, LLC. for the 2021 Road Maintenance Program.
  • Resolution 21-51, a resolution confirming the Mayor’s appointment of Jeff Hastings to the City of North Royalton Civil Service Commission.
  • Ordinance 21-53, an ordinance approving funding for Abbey Road project (Ward 3 portion).
  • Ordnance 21-54, an ordinance approving State Road Sidewalk project from City Hall to the corner of Akins and State Roads.

Council rejected Ordinance 21-50, dealing with the concrete portion for the 2021 Road Maintenance Program due to issues raised about the bidding process raised by contractors. This portion will have to be rebid before City Council approves it.

If you like to learn more about what is going on in City Council check out the minutes online by Clicking Here. Also your welcome to attend City Council Meetings, just make sure that you wear mask or face covering while inside City Hall.

Click Here to view March 2, 2021 Regular North Royalton City Council Meeting Video

Click Here to view March 2, 2021 North Royalton City Council Storm Water, Streets, & Utilities Committee Meetings Video

Click Here to view March 16, 2021 Regular North Royalton City Council Meeting Video

Click Here to view March 16, 2021 North Royalton City Council Safety, Finance, & Building & Building Codes Committee Meetings Video

2021 City Master Plan

Every seven years or so, the city is charged with resurrecting the Master Plan Advisory Committee to plot a course for the city to follow in the coming years. They determine with input from the community what needs focus and then the city administration and council work to make those suggestions reality. The last Mast Plan Update was done in 2014. Click Here to view the current City Master Plan. 

The City Master Plan Committee is doing a survey. If you have not taken the survey. Please take a moment and complete the survey. The more community input the better the plan can be. You can complete the survey by clicking on the link below:


Memorial Park Master Plan Update

Behnke Landscape Architecture estimates the Memorial Park Master plan project proposed will cost between $2.9 million and $5.8 million. The plan is broken down into 23 sections of the park: State Road Frontage, Lot North of City Hall, City Hall Parking Lot, Wooded Hillside, Parking Lot, Skate Park, Shelter, Pond Island, Pond, Amphitheater Lawn, Area West and South of Pond, Great Lawn, Play Area, Bathrooms, Volleyball Courts, Shelter, New Splash Pad, All Purpose Trail, Soccer Field, Baseball Field, Soccer Field, Shot Put and Tennis/Basketball Courts. Behnke is now working with the city to produce a final plan for review in the coming months. Read More.

First Energy Smart Meters Installation

A number of residents in Ward 3 and other parts of North Royalton have begun to get letters about the upcoming installation of First Energy’s smart meters. These meters are part of a process to modernized the electrical system to enable automated meter readings and help improve response to power outages more efficiently. Above is a copy of the letter going out to residents and some additional information about the meters. Please note that the installer will not enter your residence. They will knock on your door when they are installing to alert you of a brief disruption of your service. If you are not home they will leave a door hanger to inform you that your meter has been changed. If you have any questions call First Energy at 855-344-3400 or check out firstenergycorp.com/ohiosmartmeter

Pugnea Case

John Pugnea who was convicted of violently assaulting North Royalton Police Officer Alexandra Bell back in 2019 was granted judicial release by a Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul after only serving 9 months of a 4 year prison sentence. Officer Bell almost got killed and the attack was caught on body camera that she was testing out as the city had begun the process of purchasing body cameras for the police department at that time. Thank you to those in the community that spoke up on social media this week about the miscarriage of justice that happened here. No one including the victim was aware of Pugnea’s release till now. Sadly too often our legal system fails victims of crime at all levels including here in North Royalton and Cuyahoga County. Back in 2017, I was one of the many elected officials and advocacy groups to endorse Marsy’s Law which gives basic constitutional rights to crime victims here in Ohio. Although this law went into effect in February 2018, it is clear that there is much more work that needs to be done to ensure the rights of victims and their safety. Read More.

HB 110 State Budget for FY 2022 & FY 2023 Testimony

On March 11, 2021 I testified before the Ohio House Finance Committee on House Bill 110 the state operating budget for FY 2022 and FY 2023 at the Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio. Read More. I stressed to lawmakers the importance of more funding for COVID-19 relief, small businesses, local governments, and communities like North Royalton in this next biennium budget. Click Here to view the full text of my testimony. Click Here and forward to the 55:56 mark to view video of my testimony as well.

Around Ward 3 & Our City


Great Neighbor Award
Thank you Lauren & Giant Eagle
for recently recognizing me as one of Giant Eagle’s 2021 Great Neighbor Award recipients nationwide.The award recognizes those who have gone above and beyond to help their communities throughout the pandemic. Read More.

Upcoming City Government Meetings & Community Events

The next North Royalton Community Meal will be on March 28th. The meal is still served drive-thru style from 3:00pm-4:00pm at Saint Albert the Great Church, located at 6667 Wallings Road. Participants will enter St. Albert via parking lot A or C and then follow the parking attendant’s direction. Everyone will remain in their vehicles with the trunk open. Anyone may participate, no questions asked. Typically, one meal is allotted per member of the household with a limit of four meals, though exceptions are made for larger families. The Community Meal, in its ninth year, is sponsored by the churches of North Royalton including Abundant Life Community Church, Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church, St. Albert the Great Parish, St. Matthew Antiochian Orthodox Church, St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church and State Road Community Church of the Nazarene. Those who would like to do so may donate monetarily to St. Albert the Great to help offset the costs of the program.

Review & Oversight, Storm Water, Streets, and Utilities City Council Committee Meetings April 6th at 6:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting April 6th at 7:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

City Master Plan Committee Meeting April 13th at 7:00pm at City Hall.

North Royalton Produce Market
The next North Royalton Produce Market will be April 13th from 2:00pm-3:00pm outside at the York Road Recreation Field Pavilion, 14631 York Road, beginning April 13. The other outdoor season dates are May 11th, June 8th, July 13th, August 10th, September 14th and October 12th. Due to COVID-19, it will be necessary for you to remain in your vehicle. Place your last and first name on a piece of paper and display it on your dashboard so it is visible to volunteers. Keep your windows closed for the safety of the volunteers, community and yourself. We are requiring that you clear the trunk of your vehicle prior to the distribution. For safety reasons, volunteers cannot enter your vehicle to load food. Due to safety regulations, you must stay in your vehicle to receive food.
The program is specifically geared toward serving the senior citizen population within our community; however, anyone who meets the income criteria, determined by the Federal Government Poverty guidelines, may receive fresh produce from the market. If you are in need of monthly food assistance, call Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church at 440-237-7958 ext. 130 or St Albert the Great Parish at 440-237-6760 for information on their food pantry requirements.

Finance, Building & Building Codes, and Safety Council Committee Meetings April 20th at 6:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting April 20th at 7:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

Full City Calendar for March and April

Send In Your Feedback or Invite to an Event
Got an issue you are concerned about? Is there a Homeowner Association Meeting, Condo Association Meeting, Community Organization Meeting, Block Party, Zoom Townhall Meeting, or Event that you would like for me attend? Email me your feedback or invite to an event in the city or ward at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com
