Tag Archives: UAV

Press Release

Press Release From

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Drone Legislation Withdrawn Due to Existing City Law Protections Found and Possible State Intervention on the Horizon


January 20, 2017

(North Royalton, Ohio)— The North Royalton City Council Safety Committee this week discussed Councilman Langshaw’s drone regulation legislation that would provide some basic regulations to help protect resident’s safety and privacy. Drones can do some great things and are fun for kids when used safely. However drones have become a growing topic among local governments in Northeast Ohio with cities like Cleveland, Aurora, and Cuyahoga Heights passing laws to regulate this growing technology.

As of a result of discussions in the Safety Committee, feedback from residents, and assistance from experts in Drones/UAV field. The City Law Department conducted a deeper review of the city’s existing ordinances to see if there were areas that could provide some protections to resident’s safety that drones can pose. Today January 20th Councilman Dan Langshaw announced he has officially withdrawn his proposed drone regulation legislation because the Law Department has found that the city’s existing disorderly conduct ordinance can adequately address possible issues related to drones.

Councilman Langshaw believes the discussions about this topic has been good to have as drone use increases throughout the United States. He appreciates groups like the Academy of Model Aeronautics who have reached out to provide educational materials to the Police Department on how to deal with possible issues related to drones. Langshaw has confidence that the Ohio Aerospace and Aviation Technology Study Commission that recently concluded its task of conducting a two year review of drone and UAV use in Ohio will make sound recommendations to the General Assembly on how to best to address this issue at the state level. Legislation could be on the horizon at the state level and it is best to let our representatives in the Columbus take on this issue.

For more information please contact Councilman Dan Langshaw at 440-785-4240 or ward3@northroyalton.org
