Greetings Ward 3 Resident,
Wow, the summer has gone by pretty fast. I want to first thank all the residents who attended the Ward 3 Summer Ice Cream Social back on July 28th and for all the very generous donations to help support the North Royalton Food Bank. I hope to do another ward get together like this next year.
As of August 5th I have completed walking our entire ward by going door to door. I sure got a great workout especially going up and down the hills of Albion Rd., Wallings Rd., Hampton Dr., and Washington Ave! I appreciate everyone’s feedback and even on some of those hot days a nice cool glass of water some of you gave me when I visited. I am now in the process of putting all the feedback I received into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and then will start researching ways to address these issues. Again thank you so much for the time you all took to speak with me at your door!