
Dan Langshaw Letter to Governor Mike DeWine

Governor Mike DeWine
77 South High Street
30th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215

January 16, 2021

Governor DeWine,
As a community leader, former City Councilman, and former Chairman of the North Royalton City Council Safety Committee. I write out of concern for officers in the North Royalton Police Department, community members that work in law enforcement for other agencies, and all of Ohio’s police officers not being considered as first responders and receiving priority access to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Other emergency responders and firefighters have already gained access to the vaccine. It has been my experience that police officers including those in my community are often at times the first on scene for medical calls for service and have even helped save a number of resident’s lives as a result. However, their job regularly puts them in contact with residents where it is difficult to social distance while answering a call and be around others who are not wearing a mask.

COVID-19 is decimating law enforcement throughout the state during a time of great conflict in our country where communities need to be able to maintain appropriate staffing levels to ensure the public’s safety. I understand the challenges with to the vaccine rollout. However, can you please recognize the need and adjust the vaccine priority to our brave men and women in law enforcement as a top priority.

Honorable Dan Langshaw

CC: Senator Matt Dolan
Representative Tom Patton