
School Board Member Dan Langshaw Gives Statement on Some Key Policy Changes


December 10, 2012

(North Royalton, Ohio)—On Monday, December 10, 2012; during the December Regular School Board Meeting. North Royalton School Board Member Dan Langshaw gave the following statement before casting his vote in support of various policy updates on the Board agenda.

“Before we vote I just like to highlight two exciting policies we are voting on out of the many we have tonight. The first is a policy on (BYOD) also known as Bring Your Own Device. For a long time we have told our students that they couldn’t use their own cell phones in class. Because of improvements in our buildings to go wireless, I am proud to announce we as a district are also getting up to speed with the changes in the use of technology in the classroom. With this new policy students can bring their smart phones, tablets, and ipads in class and participate in lessons that their teachers believe BYOD would benefit instruction. I just like to thank Superintendent Vittardi, Curriculum Director Bruce Bradley, and our Technology Department for making this happen.”

Langshaw went on to say “the second policy I like to highlight is a revision in our Board Bylaws where now we the North Royalton School Board will audio record all Special Meetings, Regular Meetings with the exception of Board Development Meetings and Executive Sessions. Our residents can find all these recordings on the board page of the district website and listen to them and learn more about what we do as a board. This is all possible because of the successful pilot program we did as a board earlier this year of trying out audio recording our special board meetings in addition to regular board meetings like this one. I just like to thank Board President Dr. Kelly and the rest of the Board for their openness to this idea. I think this is a very positive thing for our board and district! To close Savannah, one of the bright students we recognized tonight said it best that we in North Royalton lead by example. Yes we do.”

