Good Afternoon:
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-785-4240 or e-mail me at Also if you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates, please let me know or they can sign-up on the front page of my website at as well.
On June 21st attended State Representative Matt Patten’s office hour held at the Strongsville Library. It was great getting an update on things going on in Columbus from our State Representative.
The (NEW) Board of Education webpage is up, where for the first time you can get contact information, read bios, and see pictures of those who serve you on the North Royalton School Board. If you like to check it out here is the link:
Note: the district is in the process of creating a brand new user friendly website that is called for in the district’s strategic plan which is slated to be completed sometime in 2011.
Attended the John Shepherd Commemoration Event on June 26th, John Shepherd is believed to be the longest lived veteran of the American Revolution. He died at the age of 117 years old. He entered military service the first time during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). The 26-year-old Shepherd, along with George Washington and others survived Braddock’s Defeat at the Battle of Monongahela in 1755. In middle age, Shepherd enlisted in the army again and defended Pennsylvania and other colonies as they fought for freedom from Great Britain during the Revolutionary War (1775-1783). During the Revolutionary War he fought in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth Courthouse, and even survived the harsh winter at Valley Forge. At the age of 89, Shepherd witnessed the founding of Royalton Township in 1818 (later re-named North Royalton). His daughter and son-in-law, Margaret and Robert Engle, were two of the community’s original settlers. In the morning the Mayor of North Royalton and City Council sponsored a free community breakfast at the Middle School, which I had an opportunity help serve the delicious pancakes to members of the community. Then following the breakfast a small parade led by Charles Phebus the 4th Great-Grandson of John Shepherd marched its way to the city cemetery; where a memorial service was held and a John Shepherd Historical Marker Plaque was unveiled, which can be seen from Rt. 82. This was a great event and it is amazing that such an American hero can be found in our own community. (Attached are some pictures from the event).
This week there is a Special School Board Meeting and various other events.
Special School Board Meeting on June 30th at 6pm @ North Royalton Board of Education Office, 6579 Royalton Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133. The Board will be approving Appropriation Adjustments, Transfer/Advances, Final 2009-2010 Fund Appropriations, 2010-2011 Temporary Appropriations, and such other matters that may come before the Board.
North Royalton Stadium Foundation
The North Royalton Stadium Foundation’s sole purpose is to privately raise, with no taxpayer money, the necessary funds to renovate the High School Stadium with state-of-the-art synthetic turf and an eight lane all-weather track. If you would like to assist the North Royalton Stadium Foundation with any fundraising efforts, please contact: North Royalton Stadium Foundation Chairman, Larry Vasil at 440-570-2446. The group also has a website in which you can learn more about the project at
Have a Great Week!
Dan Langshaw
North Royalton School Board Member
“Putting Students First”