Tag Archives: State Board of Education

Board Update

Good Evening:

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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The School Board met on March 11th for its March Regular Board Meeting. Some highlights from the meeting. The board was treated to a nice performance by students from Royal View Elementary School’s Braillin’ Buddies Band. They are called the ‘Braillin’ Buddies’ because two of the students are visually-impaired. Board approved 2012-2013 appropriations adjustments in the General Fund. The board approved renewing the contracts of High School Principal Mic Becerra, Director of Curriculum and Instructor Bruce Bradley, Assistant High School Principal Shannon Federinko, and Director of Personnel Gregory Gurka. Board also approved the end of course assessments in American History and American Government in accordance with SB 165. Board authorized the textbook adoptions for the 2013-2014 school year. The Board approved renewing the supervisory contracts for Mechanic Supervisor Jon Capadona, Network & Systems Coordinator Jason Fullington, Transportation Supervisor Joseph Marcinowski, Technology Director John Nickell, Food Service Supervisor Susan Rudolph, and Maintenance Supervisor Wade Schneider. Board approved various retirements, leaves of absences, and appointments of certificated and classified employees. The board approved a point of dispensing agreement with the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. Board discussed other such matters that came before the Board. The Board recessed briefly, then went into an executive session to discuss personnel and adjourned taking no formal action afterwards.

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