Tag Archives: Newtown CT

Statement by Superintendent Ed Vittardi on the Tragedy in Newtown, CT

Dear Parents,

The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut compels us to not only share the sense of loss and mourning, but also reflect on the procedures and process we have in place at North Royalton City Schools in regards to school security and safety. The district has gone to great lengths to develop and practice lock down and evacuation procedures, as well as identifying specific duties and responsibilities for district personnel. We review these procedures on a regular basis, and this tragic event reminds all of us at North Royalton City Schools that we must remain diligent and steadfast in these efforts.

Please know that as daily procedure, we do lock down each of our buildings in the mornings. We have a North Royalton Police Officer in the district serving as our resource officer, additional police officer(s) in the high school and middle school parking lot, and specific security and response processes are in place.

The North Royalton City Schools will continue to be vigilant in regards to school safety and security, and joins all other school districts and communities in their thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families as well as the staff, students, and Newtown Connecticut community.


Edward A. Vittardi