Tag Archives: Issue 26

Vote NO on North Royalton Charter Amendment Issue #26

North Royalton Residents please make sure you vote all the way down your ballots. Because there are four Charter Amendments on the November 3, 2020 General Election Ballot. Issue #26 is another Charter Amendment you should consider voting NO on. Here are some reasons why below. 

What is Issue # 26 Ballot Language?

Proposed Charter Amendment
City of North Royalton

A majority affirmative vote is required for passage.
Shall Article XVI, Section (h) of the Charter of the City of North Royalton be amended to authorize Council in the instance of an emergency that significantly affects the duties and obligations of the municipality, to waive the requirement of public bidding and where public bidding is employed, to allow Council to choose the lowest and/or best bidder where appropriate?




*County Board of Elections Ballot Issues List pgs 9-10 https://boe.cuyahogacounty.gov/pdf_boe/en-US/2020/Nov2020/Nov2020IssuesList.pdf 

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