
The School Board

Regular School Board Meetings
The North Royalton School Board regularly meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are held at other times for school matters that need the Board’s attention. Most meetings are held at the North Royalton High School Community Room. All Board meetings are open to the public. School Board discussions will be held in the open with the exception of executive sessions. All regular meetings are audio recorded and archived which can be found at:


Special School Board Meetings
Each month, prior to the regular Board meeting and also as needed, Special School Board Meetings are held. The Special Board of Education meeting prior the regular board meeting is referred to as a “work session” and is most frequently held at the Board of Education Administrative Office at 6579 Royalton Road. This work session is to provide the Board of Education pertinent knowledge and background on agenda topics while also offering an opportunity for questions, clarification, and discussion. Other special meetings are held periodically for other timely needs of the work of the Board of Education. These meetings are also open to the public.

The Board Agenda
The Board receives a full agenda several days prior to the Board meeting. The agenda may deal with curriculum, budget, hiring of personnel, facilities, school transportation or long-range planning. The agenda usually includes written supporting material that helps with the decision-making process.

Public Participation
Anyone having an interest in actions of the School Board may participate during the open forum portion of the Regular School Board Meeting. All those wishing to address the School Board are asked to complete a Public Participation form upon arriving. Prior to the meeting, you will need identify yourself to the Board President or Superintendent.

The purpose of the public participation aspect of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for the public to share their thoughts on any matters of importance to the school district. It is not for the purpose of having questions answered or problems resolved. Personnel concerns may best be handled through proper channels. All comments and questions must be directed to the President, who will respond if possible, or solicit an appropriate reply from those staff members present if appropriate. Questions requiring investigation will be referred to the Superintendent for consideration and later response. The Board may refer you to, or you may want to contact, the Superintendent for further assistance.

Participants must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name, address and group affiliation, if and when appropriate. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to five (5) minutes.

Executive Sessions
Ohio law permits the School Board to hold executive sessions during their meetings. During these sessions, the Board may discuss personnel matters, purchase of property for public purposes, pending or imminent court action, negotiations with employees, matters to be kept confidential by federal law or state statutes and specialized details of security arrangements. Executive sessions are for discussion only. The Board is not permitted to take any action during executive sessions.


If you still like to learn more about the board Click Here to check out the North Royalton School Board’s Official Webpage at:
