
North Royalton Ward 3 & Community E-Newsletter: October 2021 (Volume 17)

Greetings Residents,Before I give my update for October I wanted to give you an update on the campaign front. We are less than 12 days away from the November 2, 2021 General Election. Vote by mail & early voting at the Board of Elections is well underway. As of yesterday, my campaign has officially reached a new milestone. I have now walked over 62 miles of Ward 3 on foot personally going door to door meeting with residents. I am truly humbled by the positive support of residents.

In the remaining days I will continue to work long hours meeting residents like you so that I can earn your vote and return back to serving you and your family on the North Royalton City Council for Ward 3.
If I have missed you when I knocked on your door in the last few months or if you have any questions for me. Please feel free to contact me directly on my cell at 440-785-4240 or email me at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com. I am more than willing to return back and meet with you at your home about my campaign. You can also learn more about me, my campaign, and my North Royalton Recovery Plan at www.DanLangshaw.com.

Finally, if you believe in my campaign and would like to make a donation to help me in the final stretch. You can Click Here to make a donation now. Any amount is appreciated. Or if you are willing to volunteer any amount of time to help me in these finally few days. You can Click Here to volunteer or request a FREE yard sign for your home or business.

Please make sure you VOTE!

Dan Langshaw
Former Councilman &
2021 Candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council

Election ALERT

Due to recent events that have occurred I would like to address the disgusting act of hate speech that has been brought to my attention.

There is a lot of dirty politics and hate going on in our city this election. Hit pieces from “anonymous” people who are most likely in power stoops even lower.

I want to be absolutely clear that my family and I do not condone this organized effort to slander, defame, spread false information, racism, and hate. Such behavior is extremely desperate in nature and disgusting. Like other candidates who have been targeted, I too am taking the proper steps to have this handled by the proper authorities in the proper venue. Unfortunately, I have learned folks will say anything at this point including things that are not even true or real to annihilate any opposition in our local government. Sadly, this all is just another example of why we need to work together to clean up our city hall this November 2nd.
I continue to meet with residents and focus on the issues that will make our city better for all of our families.

City Council Legislative Highlights

Some highlights from the North Royalton Council Meetings for the month of October. The following legislation was approved:

  • Resolution 21-156, approving the appointment of Charles R. Redrup, Jr. to the position of Lieutenant for the North Royalton Police Department.
  • Ordinance 21-150,  funding for the first two projects at Memorial Park coinciding with the Memorial Park Master Plan survey that was conducted. Of these you will see a reconstructed upper pavilion, and bridge to the center island.
  • Ordinance 21-151, authorized the adoption of the a North Royalton Storefront Program. This program was originally created under the 2020 city budget by myself and another colleague based off of programs in city’s like Lakewood and Berea. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 this got put on the back burner till now. This legislation formalizes the process for what business can or cannot apply for.
  • Ordinance 21-163, authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Seventh Amendment to the agreement for Public Safety Dispatch Services between the City Of Strongsville, Ohio and the City Of North Royalton, Ohio to amend the provision relating to payment for Dispatch Services. This again is another increase and is something to be concerned about in the future when the city will also have an expensive rubbish and recycling service contracts to deal with and its overall impact on the city budget.

During the October 19th City Council Finance Committee Meeting the Mayor announced the resignation of  Finance Director Eric Dean that will be effective in the middle of November. Mr. Dean has accepted a position with the city of Strongsville.

If you like to learn more about what is going on in City Council check out the minutes online by Clicking Here. Also your welcome to attend City Council Meetings in person at City Hall located at 14600 State Road.

November 2nd General Election Information

The November 2nd General Election is coming up. Please make sure you exercise your right to vote and have your voice heard. On ballot residents will be voting on Parma Municipal Court Judge, Parma Municipal Clerk of Courts, North Royalton Board of Education Members, North Royalton City Council, and Local Ballot Issues. If you plan to Vote by Mail. There is still time left to Request a Vote by Mail Application. Click Here to request one today. You can also Click Here to view what’s on your ballot. If you need any additional election related information Click Here.

If you have already voted by mail. You can follow the Vote-by-Mail process with the Board of Elections ‘Track My Ballot’ tool at www.443vote.us

Due the recent closure of the elementary schools, which served as election polling sites in the past, new polling locations had to be determined for the upcoming General Election on November 2nd. Through discussions with the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, the city was able to secure polling sites with the least amount of impact to our residents. As result the following changes have been made that you should be aware of if you plan to vote in person on Election Day at the polls. Note ALL Ward 3 residents (Precincts 3A, 3B. 3C, & 3D) will be voting at Royal View Elementary School located at 13220 Ridge Road.

Polling Location Changes:

  • Ward 1 and 3 will move to the former Royal View Elementary 13220 Ridge Road.
  • Ward 2 stays at the North Royalton Library Branch 5071 Wallings Road.
  • Ward 4 stays at the North Royalton Christian Church 5100 Royalton Road.
  • Ward 5 moves to the new North Royalton Elementary School 16400 State Road.
  • Ward 6 stays at City Hall as is 14600 State Road.
Important Dates to Remember:
  • October 4th Voter Registration Deadline
  • October 5th Opening of Early In-Person and Vote-by-Mail (Absentee) voting
  • November 1st All Vote-by-Mail / Absentee ballots mailed anywhere in the U.S. must be postmarked on or before this date and received at the Board of Elections on or before November 12, 2021 in order to be counted.
  • November 2nd Election Day Polls Open from 6:30am-7:30pm


Ballot Issues

North Royalton residents will see some issues on the November 2, 2021 General Election to vote on. Please make sure you vote all the way down your ballots and do your due diligence before voting on them. Just a reminder I have a page on my website with information on all the ballot issues that can be found by Clicking Here. I have also listed them below as well as what the actual language you will see on the ballot and a little explanation of what you are approving as well to better assist you in deciding how best to cast your vote.

Issue #48

Ballot Language:

Proposed Charter Amendment
Shall Article XII, Subsection (b)(2) of the Charter of the City of North Royalton be amended by adopting a new Master Land Use Plan and Zoning Map for rezoning the City?

If approved Issue #48 would do some of the following:

  • The zoning changes that were proposed by the 2021 City of North Royalton Master Plan. To view the proposed zoning map that outlines the various parcels and zoning classifications. Click Here.
  • The bulk of the rezoning changes in the city involve R1A Residential and Rural Residential zoning changed to PF Public Facility zoning. In which a big part of those changes surround updating of parcels that were purchased by the Cleveland Metroparks.
  • There are also rezoning changes to sections within the Harley Hills Development that adjusts the zoning from RO Research Office to R1B Residential zoning; and the zoning adjustment of GB General Business along the east side of the York Road corridor, south of Wallings Road, to RO Research Office.
  • If you like to read the full 2021 City of North Royalton Master Plan. Click Here.

Issue #49

Ballot Language:

Proposed Charter Amendment
Shall Article XVII, Subsections (b) and (e) of the Charter of the City of North Royalton be amended to provide for the elimination of the run-off elections for Mayor and President of Council, and create a nonpartisan primary election to be held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in May for the offices of Mayor and President of Council, in the event that there are three (3) or more candidates that have filed petitions for either office?

If approved Issue #49 would do some of the following:

  • Amend Article XVII, Subsection (b) and to repeal Article XVII, subsection (e) regarding the current method of using a Runoff Election, replacing that section with a new Subsection (e) requiring a spring primary election in the event that more than two candidates file for the offices of Mayor and/or President of Council.
  • In 2008, North Royalton voters approved the run-off charter amendment, which is currently used, by a margin of more than two to one. The amendment changed the charter, allowing for a run-off election for the office of Mayor and/or President of Council when there are more than two candidates, but none receive at least 40% of the total votes. If that situation occurs, then a run-off election takes place on the first Tuesday in December of the top two candidates. The run-off election would only take place under that scenario.
  • The proposed charter amendment would require that the city hold a spring primary every time there are more than two candidates for the Mayoral or Council President race.
  • According to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections if this charter amendment is approved. A Spring Primary Election would cost North Royalton taxpayers over $75,000.

Issue #50

Ballot Language:

Proposed Charter Amendment
Shall Article XVIII, Subsection (f) of the Charter of the City of North Royalton be amended to provide for a process that allows for Council to participate in the creation of proposed charter amendments and for collaborative resolutions in the event of a disagreement with the Charter Review Commission?

If approved Issue #50 would do some of the following:

  • Allow City Council to participate in the process of drafting proposals that the Charter Review Commission decides to present to the voters and, could ultimately lead to Council being the final deciding factor on which amendments go to the voters.
  • Currently, Council does not have representation on the actual commission, but does appoint four of its members.
  • Once the City Charter Review Commission decides what they would like to place on the ballot as proposed charter amendments, Council does vote on the measures, but only to forward them to the Board of Elections. In essence, they have limited input.
  • If this charter amendment passes, Council has a say on who’s on the Commission, can have a say on the proposed amendments and, in actuality, block amendments from going to the voters. So if there is a situation, where the City Charter Review Commission decides to reduce the City Council term limits from twelve to eight years, Council could block that amendment from going to the voters.
  • Per the City of North Royalton Charter the City Council does, however, have the right to introduce its own Charter Issues on any ballot, at any time. For example this election Issues #49 and Issue #50 are both put on the ballot by City Council and not the City Charter Review Commission.

 Vote NO on Issue #49

What is Issue #49?

Proposed Charter Amendment
Shall Article XVII, Subsections (b) and (e) of the Charter of the City of North Royalton be amended to provide for the elimination of the run-off elections for Mayor and President of Council, and create a nonpartisan primary election to be held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in May for the offices of Mayor and President of Council, in the event that there are three (3) or more candidates that have filed petitions for either office?

Reason why you should vote NO on Issue #49

  • According to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections if this issue was past the cost of a Special May Primary Election for Mayor and Council President would waste North Royalton taxpayers over $75,000.
  • The current system approved by voters back in 2008 by over 70% works. We have been able to select our mayor and council president without issue.  If it is not broken. Then don’t mess with it.
  • This charter amendment was not put on the ballot by the City Charter Review Commission but is being pushed by a select few on city council. Click Here to see who approved it.
  • As a former Chairman of the 2012 Charter Review Commission, this was not an issue then and has not been the last few after.
  • If this charter amendment is approved it would allow for some members on council currently to run from a safe seat for Council President and Mayor. Then if said members are unsuccessful in such a possible scenario, they still be able to run in the November General Election to retain their seats. Lets make city hall less political not more.
  • In another possible scenario if the incumbent Mayor and Council President lose in a Special May Primary. It would then create a situation of a Lame Duck Mayor and or Council President for seven months. Which the current city charter does not allow and past City Charter Review Commissions have worked hard to prevent happening because of concerns it would not be productive to the overall operations of the local government.
  • If approved Issue #49 will create longer campaign seasons in our city going from Winter to the Fall or longer.
  • The North Royalton Board of Education only has a November General Election and residents are able to select a winner in those races at a larger district level without issue or need of a Primary Election.
  • The last decade or more North Royalton has NEVER been any need for a Spring Primary for the Mayor or Council President.

Click Here to learn more on why you should vote NO on Issue #49.

Cuyahoga County Property Tax Valuation: What You Need to

You may have received your property valuation from Cuyahoga County over the last few weeks. So what does this mean? All properties in the State of Ohio are required by the Ohio Revised Code to be reassessed every three years. Cuyahoga County, through the County Auditor / Fiscal Officer, is responsible for this process and determining the valuation of every property. Cuyahoga County also collects property taxes as voted on by residents and distributes them to various agencies to support the delivery of services and maintenance of infrastructure such as buildings, parks, and roads. As determined by Cuyahoga County, North Royalton residential property valuations are increasing on average by 13%. Read More. For more information including a tax estimator, schedule for community meetings, and the process for filing an appeal of your new property valuation can be found on the County Fiscal Officer webpage Here. You may qualify for a lower property tax on your home if you meet certain qualifications. More information, including how to apply, can be found at https://fiscalofficer.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/homestead-exemption-faq.aspx.

 New Women & Girls Initiative

Many are not aware that since 1987 the month of October nationwide is Domestic Violence Awareness Month as a way to connect and unite individuals and organizations working on domestic violence issues while raising awareness for those issues. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women in the United States experience some sort of physical violence in their lifetime. Here in North Royalton and tragically even in Ward 3. We have lost a number of women to domestic violence over the last few years that has resulted in their deaths. Back in July, North Royalton resident Cari Smith was another one of those victims who tragically lost her life as a result of domestic violence in our own community. Her death, as well as others in our community, and friends/family who are also survivors of domestic violence made this issue an important part not only of my North Royalton Recovery Plan. But also inspired me and some other community leaders to do something about it now.

Which is why I am excited to announce the first Women & Girls Empowerment Resource Fair & FREE Self-Defense Clinic will take place this Saturday October 23rd from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Inspire Martial Arts Studio & Royalton Road Plaza located at 10139 Royalton Road in North Royalton.

The Women & Girls Empowerment Resource Fair & FREE Self-Defense Clinic’s goal is to empower women, teenage girls, and young girls in the North Royalton and surrounding communities to seek their full potential in school, sports, activities, and business. This fair will connect them with the resources from various organizations, groups, and individuals that can assist or inspire them to accomplish that. Teenage girls and women who attend have an opportunity to learn from a certified martial arts instructor, a variety of safety tips and practical self-defense techniques in a FREE (30 minute class) that will give tools to stay safe in everyday situations. For the Self-Defense Clinic ONLY please registered in advance at NRWGEmpowerment@gmail.com or call 440-785-4240.

We are especially excited to have as Special Event Speakers Gina DeJesus one of the Cleveland abduction survivors & her cousin Sylvia Colon with Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children & Adults to help kick off our event.  All those who attend this FREE event will also have a chance to win raffle prizes from community partners, enjoy some food & refreshments, and more.

Click Here to learn more.

School Bus Safety

This week is National School Bus Safety Week. I wanted to share some important safety reminders from the North Royalton City School District to help keep our kids, business, and all residents safe out on the roadways of our city.
Many of the school district’s buses have cameras on them now. If someone passes them while the stop sign is out, it will be reported to the police department. These cameras are mounted on the exterior of the bus and give a clear view of the license plates of any vehicles illegally passing stopped school buses. This will be used, in addition to the driver’s report, to help the police issue citations to these drivers.
Passing a stopped school bus comes with steep fines. In both North Royalton and Broadview Heights, the fine is $1,000.  Earlier in 2020  after working for several months with the North Royalton City School District, North Royalton Police Department, City of Broadview Heights, and other officials on addressing the issue of improving school bus safety for the children of our community. I was able to draft legislation and sponsor Ordinance 20-63 when on City Council to increase the fine for not stopping for a school bus to a $1,000 fine. I am so proud that even with the pandemic we were able to pass this legislation of mine into law. Read More.
Click Here to view additional school bus safety tips that are available on the district’s website.

Around Ward 3 & Our City

3rd Annual Autumn at The Plaza
On October 9th my son Derek and I had a blast at the 3rd Annual Autumn at The Plaza sponsored by Royalton Gifts! My family and I were honored to be sponsors for the Free Pumpkins at the event that were given out to all the kids that attended! A big thank you to Royalton Gifts, Hammered DIY Studio, Madelyn Rose Boutique, and all the other local small business that were apart of this fun event! #SupportNoRoBusinesses

College Local Government Talk

On October 4th I had the honor of being a special guest speaker for the Baldwin Wallace University CR’s  meeting on campus. I enjoyed sharing about my past experiences as a young elected official and what local elected officials do. It brought me so much joy to see a room full of bright young men and women wanting to get more involved in their communities and the elective process!

Meet & Greets
Thank you to Ward 3 resident Kathleen and her family for hosting one of my Dan in the Neighborhood Meet & Greets for their neighborhood a few weeks ago. It was so great to speak with fellow Ward 3 residents about my campaign, listen to feedback on how to improve our ward/city, and for neighbors to get to know each better too.

5th Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park Makes a Big Difference
Thank you to all those who attended my 5th Annual Ward 3 Picnic in the Park. This year’s event was able to raise $621.14 for Brady’s K9 Fund, which is a local non-profit organization that provides practical, mission ready ballistic vests to police and military working dogs throughout the country! Including North Royalton Police Department’s own K9 Officer Bear! Thank you to Brady and his non-profit for the difference they are making!

Upcoming City Government Meetings & Community Events

If you are unable to stop by either drop off area. Residents can always safely dispose of any unused medications at the safe drug disposal box inside the North Royalton Police Station any time 24/7 as well.

Click Here to learn more.

Boy Scout Troop 526 Pancake Breakfast
Boy Scout Troop 526 will be holding their Annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 24th, at St. Albert the Great’s main church hall at 6667 Wallings Road. The breakfast will be served from 8:00am to 1:00pm. The breakfast will include homemade pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit, orange juice, milk and coffee. Gluten-free pancakes and sugar-free syrup will also be available. The cost for adults is $8, kids under 10 are $5 and kids under 3 eat free. Take-out orders are available. For advance tickets, email treasurer@troop526.org. There will be a $50 door prize and raffle baskets. You do not need to be present to win. All proceeds help pay for tents, grills, mess kits, campground supplies and fees for the scouts.

High School Community Trick or Treat

On October 27th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm the North Royalton High School will be hosting a Community Trick or Treat for the little kids at the High School located at 14713 Ridge Road.

Community Coffee with Dan
Dan Langshaw candidate for North Royalton Ward 3 City Council invites North Royalton Ward 3 residents to his next Community Coffee October 28, 2021 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at Peeboo & Beanie Gourmet Cream 12971 State Road in North Royalton. Dan holds these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents, listen to feedback on ways to improve the community, and an opportunity for residents to get to know Dan better. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and grab a FREE cup of coffee with Dan.

Halloween Trick or Treat Night
Halloween Trick or Treat Night will be held on October 31st from 6:00pm-8:00pm in the City of North Royalton.

Full City Calendar for October

November 2nd General Election 
Polls open from 6:30am-7:30pm
Click Here for more information.

Storm Water, Streets, and Utilities City Council Committee Meetings November 3rd at 6:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting November 3rd at 7:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

Finance, Building & Building Codes, and Safety Council Committee Meetings November 16th at 6:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting November 16th at 7:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

Send In Your Feedback or Invite to an Event
Got an issue you are concerned about? Is there a Homeowner Association/Condo/ Community organization meeting, block party, Zoom Townhall meeting or event that you would like for me attend? Email me your feedback or invite to an event at danlangshawfornrward3@yahoo.com
