Greetings Ward 3 Resident,
Spring is officially here! Also great to be able to watch some Cleveland Indians baseball as well! City government remains relatively busy with a number of things to report on below.
Have a great weekend!
Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
Council Update
Highlights from Council Meetings
Some highlights from the Council Meetings for the month of March. Council approved Ordinance 19-12 authorizing the transfer of property owned by of the City of North Royalton on Bennett Road to the Cleveland Metroparks for a new public park. Read More. Council approved Ordinance 19-13 regulating short term rentals by a 5-2 vote. I am glad to see this legislation I co-sponsored was passed into law by the majority of Council that will both keep our neighborhoods safe while still respecting property owner rights within reason to make some extra income. No one wants to see residential homes being turned into motels. Read More. Council also approved Resolution 19-28 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a final contract with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the construction of sidewalk from City Hall on State Road to Royalton Road and State Road. Council approved Ordinance 19-30 selling the city’s old compost facility property to the North Royalton City School District for their bus garage. Read More. (Note this is the same property the City has been leasing to the School District the last few years on Royalton Road for their bus garage).
Police Body and Dash Cameras Discussion
As Chairman of the Safety Committee at the request of the Council President Antoskiewicz we had discussion on Police Body and Dash Cameras at our March meeting. It was a very positive discussion. The administration is looking at a number of options and will provide a recommendation back to our committee soon which types would be good to go with as a city. Read More.
If you like to learn more about what is going on in City Council check out the minutes online by Clicking Here
City Update
2019 City Road Repair Program
The administration recently announce they plan to spend $1.4 million dollars for the 2019 City Road Repair Program. The roads that are going to be done are Bunker Road between Ridge and State roads; Maple Lane; North Akins, which lies between state Route 82 and Bennett Road; and Akins Road between Ridge and State roads. The city will also be doing in-house crack sealing, and other repairs throughout the city. Here in Ward 3 they will be especially focusing on repairs to Abbey Road from Route 82 to Albion Road and portions of Albion Road from Abbey Road to Ridge Road. Read More.
Holiday Lighting Grant Award
The city recently has been awarded another energy efficiency grant from the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC), in the amount of $121,350, which the city will be investing into holiday lighting upgrades. Read More.

New Digital Sign
The City’s brand new digital sign is up and running on the city green which can be seen at the intersection of Route 82 and Ridge Road.
North Royalton Produce Market for those in Need
The North Royalton Produce Market is farmers’ market-style stand, which is part of a new cooperative effort of the Greater Cleveland Food Bank. They have partnered up with the City of North Royalton, St. Albert the Great Church, Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church and Abundant Life Community Church to provide this program for our community. This produce stand will be open once a month from 1 p.m. until the food is gone (no later than 3 p.m.) beginning April 9 and continuing May 14, June 11, July 9, August 13 and September 10 at the York Road Recreation Field pavilion, 14631 York Road, just south of state Route 82 on the east side of York Road. For more information contact the city Office on Aging and Human Services at (440) 582-6333. Read More.

Traffic Changes at the High School and Middle School
Just a reminder parents who have kids at the North Royalton High School and Middle School. Traffic and parking changes have begun due to construction for the high school building renovation project. Click Here to learn more about the changes.
Around Ward 3

Service Club Open House
On March 2nd I organized with Council President Larry Antoskiewicz the first ever North Royalton Service Clubs Open House at the North Royalton High School Cafeteria 1! Many clubs gained new members and it was a huge success. A big thank you to all the Service Clubs for participating! Special thank you to Augie’s Pizza & Catering for donating food & refreshments! We hope to possibly do this again next year as annual event! If you couldn’t make the event but are interested in joining a club Click Here to watch the Facebook video I made of the event with each club giving a brief introduction on what they do. Read More.

Cub Scout Pack 218 Annual Pancake Breakfast
On March 9th my boys and I had a fun time at Cub Scout Pack 218 Annual Pancake Breakfast! Thank you to Cub Scout Pack 218 for all the great things they do in our community!
Royalton Hills Lions Annual Dinner & Poor Man’s Reverse Raffle
Also on on March 9th attended the Royalton Hills Lions Annual Dinner & Poor Man’s Reverse Raffle. Thank you to the Royalton Hills Lions for all the great things they do for our community!

North Royalton-Broadview Heights Rotary Club’s 14th Annual Lunar New Year Fundraiser
On March 10th I had a great time at the North Royalton-Broadview Heights Rotary Club’s 14th Annual Lunar New Year Fundraiser! Thank you to the Rotary for all the great things they do in the community! Also Happy Chinese New Year of the Pig!
Senior Center St Patrick’s Day Luncheon
On March 18th attended the North Royalton Senior Center St Patrick’s Day Luncheon sponsored by Mayor Stefanik! It was great to see a number of Ward 3 residents having a fun time at the luncheon and catch up with them.

Congressman Gonzalez Office Grand Opening Event
On March 19th I attended our Congressman Anthony Gonzalez’s Grand Opening Event of his Strongsville Congressional Office. It was nice to meet him and I look forward to working with him in addressing the needs of our city and Ward 3.
Northeast Ohio City Council Association’s March Forum
On March 21st attend the Northeast Ohio City Council Association’s March Forum that featured a panel discussion about Workforce Development, Education, Equity, and Transportation. I learned a lot of great new information.

Regional Leadership Position Announcement
Also on March 21st I was elected as the new Treasurer for the Northeast Ohio City Council Association at their Annual Membership Meeting held at the Doubletree by Hilton in Independence. The Northeast Ohio City Council Association (NOCCA) is a regional organization made up of elected municipal, township and village council members that are dedicated to developing solutions towards common regional issues and concerns. There are approximately 300 members representing over 40 communities throughout Northeast Ohio. I have been a member of NOCCA for six years and am excited about the opportunity to be in a regional leadership position with such a prestigious organization. It is my hope to building upon my efforts to work collaboratively with other elected officials throughout Cuyahoga County to advocate for common issues that effect all communities.
Intersection of York Road & Albion Road Traffic
I have gotten some complaints recently from Ward 3 residents about the increased traffic and congestion at the intersection of York Road and Albion Road due to the Route 82 construction. Since 2013 and even before my late predecessor Councilman Don Willey has looked for possible solutions for the intersection from a possible widening of the road, adding a lane, or even a new traffic control system all of which then and still remain not economically feasible. When there is possible funding available I have advocated for something to be done. In a few years the traffic pattern will change when Albion Elementary School is demolished and no longer in use due to the new centralized elementary school being built on State Road and Valley Parkway. Which will help decrease congestion. However as Chairman of the Safety Committee I brought the issue up again this time at our March Meeting since the Route 82 widening project has begun and it is worth looking at this again. I requested that the administration see if some possible solutions could be changing the timing of the lights or even having an officer do some traffic control during peak times to help with the flow of traffic. The Safety Director and Police Department Traffic Unit will take a look at this again and return back with some recommendations. I will keep you posted.
Exterior Property Maintenance Reminder
As your Councilman I get reports from the Building Department on various violations by Ward 3 property owners, which city building inspectors have found during their inspections. A common violation I start to see this time of the year as the weather gets warmer is of non-compliance with Section 660.14(a) (b) (c) (d) of the Codified Ordinances of North Royalton titled “Weeds and Grass”. A majority of these are properties that appear to be either vacant or in foreclosure, in which the grass has not been cut or the weeds have become overgrown. Here are some helpful reminders about what property owners are required to do for exterior maintenance of their property. Property owners are required to cut any weeds, grass, underbrush and non-edible grass or woody vegetation in excess of 6 inches. Ensure that any ditches are kept clear of any type of grass, underbrush in excess of 6 inches. Exterior of property areas of all premises and lots shall be kept free of any debris, objects, material or conditions which may create a health, accident or fire hazard. The exterior of every structure or accessory structure including fences, shall be maintained in good repair and all surfaces shall be kept painted. Storing abandoned or junk vehicles on your property is not allowed. If you know of any properties like this in our Ward that may have an issue, please report them to the Building Department at 440-582-3000.

Beware of Solicitors and Scams
As the weather gets warmer I start to get complaints from residents about people soliciting without permit selling things to curb painting scams. Also I get complaints about folks taping fliers on their mailboxes soliciting as well. If you see someone doing this report them to the
North Royalton Police Department on the Non-Emergency Phone # at 440-237-8686 so they can check them out. As you know I fought hard to increase the penalty of people soliciting without a permit and want to keep our neighborhoods safe. Read More. If you do need a reliable address sign the North Royalton Fire Department does them for residents. They offer a reflective metal address sign that can be attached to your mailbox that can be seen by emergency responders year round in any weather. The cost for the sign is just $15.00 to cover the cost of materials. The Fire Fighters will even install the sign for residents if they are unable to do so themselves. Click Here if you are interested purchasing one.

Ward 3 Recycling Tip of the Month
Can your old computer be recycled? Yes, the City of North Royalton offers year-round collection and recycling of computer equipment to our residents Click Here to learn more. Computer equipment can also be delivered to RET3 job corp., a non-profit computer recycler located on the east side of Cleveland. RET3 job corp. is located at 1814 East 40th Street in Cleveland. Drop-off hours are Monday through Friday at the rear of the building from 8:00am-3:00pm. Contact RET3 job corp. at 216-361-9991. Equipment that can be recycled via this program includes desktops, towers, laptops, monitors, keyboards and peripherals, printers, modems, tablets, e-readers, telecom devices, networking equipment, cables, cell phones, and video game systems.

Hosts Needed Still for Ward 3 Neighborhood Meet & Greets?
Something new I want to try out for 2019 is doing Neighborhood Meet & Greets throughout Ward 3. I need some residents who are willing to volunteer to host the meeting at their homes anytime this year that is convenient for them. The purpose of these meetings is to get to know me better as your Councilman, share ideas or concerns for the city/ward, and to get to know your neighbors a little better too. If you are interested in being a host home please email me at ward3@northroyalton.org or call me at 440-785-4240 for more information. Thank you for your help!
Send In Your Feedback
Got an issue you are concerned about? Is there a Homeowner Association Meeting, Condo Association Meeting, Community Organization Meeting, Block Party, or Event that you would like for me attend? Email me your feedback at ward3@northroyalton.org
Upcoming Events
City Council Streets, Storm Water, & Utilities Committee Meetings April 2nd at 6:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.
City Council Meeting April 2nd at 7:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.
North Royalton Family YMCA 4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 7th from 2:00pm-4:00pm located at 11409 State Rd here in North Royalton. Call 440-230-9339 for more information.
Cleveland Water Department Informational Meeting
The Cleveland Water Department is hosting an informational meeting about the State Road Waterline Replacement Project between Castle Drive and Sprague Road on April 8th at 6:00pm at City Hall located at 14600 State Road.
Easter Egg Hunt
The North Royalton Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt will be on April 14th at 1:00pm located at Memorial Park 14600 State Rd. Event will occur Rain or Shine.
City Council Finance, Safety, and Building & Building Codes Committee Meetings April 16th at 6:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting April 16th at 7:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.
City of North Royalton Shred Day is April 20th from 9:00am to 12:00pm at North Royalton City Hall 14600 State Road. The event is a public service open to all North Royalton, non-business residents at no cost. Shred your confidential documents safely and securely on site. There is no limit. Please bring proper identification indicating you are a North Royalton resident.
Monthly Coffee with Councilman Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton Ward 3, you are invited to attend my monthly constituent coffee. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. The next coffee will be held on:
When: April 28, 2019
Time: 9:00am-11:00am
Where: McDonald’s
5304 Royalton Road
North Royalton, OH 44133
Friends of the North Royalton Branch Library Used Book Sale
Looking for something good to read to call your own? On the prowl to uncover that hidden literary gem? Join your friends, neighbors and other avid readers at the Spring Friends of the North Royalton Library Used Book Sale on April 13th from 9:00am-4:00pm at the North Royalton Branch Library located at 5071 Wallings Road. Enjoy a selection of books, audiobooks , music CDs and DVDs. For more information, please call the branch at 440-237-3800.
City Calendar for April
Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
14600 State Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone: 440-785-4240
E-mail: ward3@northroyalton.org