
Ward 3 E-Newsletter: May 2016

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Things in city government remain very busy with a number of things to update you on below. Its also good to see that Spring is here and that the temperatures are starting to warm up outside.

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Council Update

Highlights from Council Meetings
Some highlights from the City Council Meetings for March. Council approved Ordinance 16-65 confirming the Mayor’s appointment of David Mcneeley to serve as the new city Wastewater Superintendent replacing Tim Tigue who is retiring. Read More. Council also approved Ordinance 16-60 and Ordinance 16-61 to approve an agreement with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to include the entire city their regional storm water management program. Read More. Council also approved Ordinance 16-79, Ordinance 16-80, Ordinance 16-81, and Ordinance 16-82 that will put four different Charter Amendments recommended by the 2016 City Charter Review Commission on the November General Election ballot for approval. Read More.

If you like to learn more about what is going on in City Council check out the minutes online by Clicking Here.

City Update

Deer Issue Update
Leaders from the six communities which include North Royalton that approved the bow hunting of deer back on March 15th Primary Election met back on April 13th. All the cities decided to begin the deer-control program on September 24th the same time as archery hunting season. City Council is now reviewing Ordinance 16-83 that will allow deer damage control hunting permits and creates the regulations for it. Once this legislation is passed there will be a community meeting to explain the program to residents who are interested. The community meeting to be held possibly in mid to late June. I will keep you posted when I have more information. Read More.

Oil Well Fight Update
City Law Director Tom Kelly has once again argued the city’s case in the ongoing Cutter Oil mandatory pooling case before the 10th District Court of Appeals of Franklin County recently. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources appealed Franklin County Common Pleas Judge Richard Frye’s decision last year which ruled in favor of our city, affirming that safety that should be considered in oil well leasing agreements. Judge Frye recommended ODNR reconsider the pooling application of Cutter Oil’s, taking North Royalton’s safety concerns and past incidents into account. A ruling could take several months regarding the appeal. Read More.

2016 Roads Program
The Mayor at the April 5th City Council Streets Committee Meeting announce there will be approximately $750,000 available for this year’s roads program. Council will be also getting an update street ranking list completed by Engineering Department. Once Council has the list we will review what roads need to be done this year. I am also happy that the Service Department has used the nice weather to get started on doing joint and slab repair to the roadway in the Industrial Park here in Ward 3. Read More

Public Wifi
Recently two public Wifi hotspots are up and running. These spots are Memorial Park and York Road Baseball Fields. Read More.

Fighting Blight
Last year our city applied for and received approximately $60,000 through Cuyahoga County’s demolition fund to address blighted homes that were deem condemned. Soon some of these homes will be demolished. Read More. Last year our city applied for and received approximately $60,000 through Cuyahoga County’s demolition fund to address blighted homes that were deem condemned. Soon some of these homes will be demolished. Read More. City Council is also in the process of drafting legislation to create a rental registry for one, two, and three family rental properties. This will also be a helpful tool in fighting against blight and to keep residents safe. Read More.

Around Ward 3

Young Ward 3 Resident Making A Difference
It is great to see young people in our community making a difference. I am very proud of Ward 3 resident Dana Miller and what she is doing to help the APL and the Catherine Violet Hubbard Foundation that honors the memory of a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. Great job Dana! Read More.

NEORSD Storm Water Program Discounts
If you missed the April 25th public meeting by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District about its regional storm water program and ways residents/business can get discounts below is some helpful information. The sewer district’s program goal is to address flooding, erosion and poor water quality across northeast Ohio. Residents can get discounts off their bill for doing things like rain gardens, reducing impervious surfaces, vegetated filter strips, and more. Click Here to learn more and how to apply. Residents who are age 65 years and older can get a Homestead discount from the NEORSD which can help lower your bill. Click Here for more information on how to apply. Home Owners Associations & Condominium Associations in North Royalton Ward 3 may qualify for additional discounts from the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District for their Stormwater Program if they have a basin in your neighborhood. If your HOA or Condo Association is interested in learning more information please have them contact NEORSD North Royalton Wartershed Team Leader Matt Sharver at 216-881-6600 Ext 6880 for more information.

Annual Fire Hydrant Flushing
The North Royalton Fire Department has started their annual fire hydrant flushing. Crews have started in Ward 1 and will work their way up through Ward 6. Before an area is tested, residents will be notified through the city’s reverse 911 phone system. If you have not signed up for the city’s Reverse 911, you can sign up on the city’s website at www.northroyalton.org.Read More.

Exterior Property Maintenance Reminder
As your Councilman I get reports from the Building Department on various violations by Ward 3 property owners, which city building inspectors have found during their inspections. A common violation I start to see this time of the year as the weather gets warmer is of non-compliance with Section 660.14(a) (b) (c) (d) of the Codified Ordinances of North Royalton titled “Weeds and Grass”. A majority of these are properties that appear to be either vacant or in foreclosure, in which the grass has not been cut or the weeds have become overgrown. Here are some helpful reminders about what property owners are required to do for exterior maintenance of their property. Property owners are required to cut any weeds, grass, underbrush and non-edible grass or woody vegetation in excess of 6 inches. Ensure that any ditches are kept clear of any type of grass, underbrush in excess of 6 inches. Exterior of property areas of all premises and lots shall be kept free of any debris, objects, material or conditions which may create a health, accident or fire hazard. The exterior of every structure or accessory structure including fences, shall be maintained in good repair and all surfaces shall be kept painted. Storing abandoned or junk vehicles on your property is not allowed. If you know of any properties like this in our ward that may have an issue, please report them to the Building Department at 440-582-3000

Send In Your Feedback
Got an issue you are concerned about? Is there a Homeowner Association Meeting, Condo Association Meeting, Community Organization Meeting, Block Party, or Event that you would like for me attend? Email me your feedback at ward3@northroyalton.org

Upcoming Events

City Council Streets, Storm Water, and Utilities Committee Meetings May 4th at 6pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting May 4th at 7:30pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

City Council Finance, Safety, and Building & Building Codes Committee Meetings May 17th at 6:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting May 17th at 7:30pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

2016 Garden Fest hosted by the North Royalton Garden Club will be on May 21st from 9am-3pm at the North Royalton Christian Church 5100 Royalton Rd. Click Here for more information.

North Royalton Fire Department Safety Fair & Open House May 21st  from 10am-2pm at Fire Station #1 located at 7000 Royalton Rd.

Monthly Coffee with Councilman Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton Ward 3, you are invited to attend my monthly constituent coffee. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. The next coffee will be held on:
When: May 21, 2016
Time: 10:00am-11:00am.
Where: Subway
5660 Wallings Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133

City Calendar for May


Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
14600 State Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone: 440-785-4240
E-mail: ward3@northroyalton.org
