
Ward 3 E-Newsletter: April 2016

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

Although the calendar says it is Spring, Mother Nature did not get memo yet since we just had snow last night. Regardless of the weather city government remains busier than ever with a number of things to update you on below.

Also good luck to the Cleveland Indians whose home opener is Monday. Play Ball!

Have a great week!

Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council

Council Update

Highlights from Council Meetings
Some highlights from the City Council Meetings for March. Council approved Ordinances 16-44, 16-45, 16-46, and 16-47 to have supplies ready for the 2016 City Road Repair Program. Council also passed Ordinance 16-55 that creates regulations for maintenance of wireless telecommunication facilities/towers throughout the city. Council approved Ordinance 16-57 establishing a YMCA Capital Reserve Fund to prepare for maintenance of the building. This would allow the city to budget on a yearly basis for future repairs. Read More.

If you like to learn more about what is going on in City Council check out the minutes online by Clicking Here.

City Update

Catch Basin Repair Update
The Catch Basin repair project, that is funded with the help by a Cuyahoga County Grant, is half way completed. The portion of this project on Ridge Rd in Ward 3 is close to being completed in the coming weeks.

Issue 10 Deer Ballot Issue Passes
North Royalton Issue 10 the Deer Ballot Issue passed 68.30% (6,402) yes and 31.70% (2,971) no for the March 15th Primary Election. Read More. Looking deeper at the results it passed with high numbers in all 6 wards of our city including here in Ward 3 with 68.1% (1,065) yes and 31.8% (497) no. Also in the other communities of Strongsville, Broadview Heights, Parma, Parma Heights, and Seven Hills working together with us on this regional issue, also had their ballot issues pass too.  As your Councilman I said that I would support whatever the majority of residents decided is the best course of action on this issue and I will. The people have spoken and I thank all those who voted to help decided what was the best course of action. Moving forward the city leaders from all the communities involved will be meeting to finalize all the rules, regulations, and legislative language. Once completed then each city council will review all of this and then pass legislation to put it into law. A number of you have already asked for information on the rules and regulations. Once I have them, I will share them with you all and will continue to provide updates about this issue. Read More.

Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Storm Water Program Update
The Ohio Supreme Court in September of 2015 reversed an appellate decision and ruled the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) has full authority to create its fee supported regional storm water management program meant to help control flooding, erosion, and poor water quality across northeast Ohio. This has been a long court case. About five years ago the sewer district initiated this storm water maintenance program to fund large projects with the mission to better control flooding issues region wide. About 66 communities including North Royalton disputed the fee, arguing it was viewed as a tax rather than a utility by filing a law suit. In about late 2012 or early 2013 the city withdrew from the lawsuit after making a deal with NEORSD officials. Read More. Five local northeast Ohio cities and a merchant council asked the Ohio Supreme Court to reconsider verdict involving the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s fee-driven storm water maintenance program in hopes of stopping the program’s re-establishment, but the court rejected the request back in December of 2015. Since then the city has been working with the NEORSD the last few months discussing the impact of the ruling and how funds can be used to help address storm water issues in our city. Read More. As a result of these meetings an agreement has been drafted that City Council is currently reviewing under proposed Ordinance 16-60 and Ordinance 16-61 which calls for the entire city be included in the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Regional Storm Water Management Program created to address flooding, erosion and poor water quality across northeast Ohio. Read More. Currently C District which a good portion of Ward 3 is in already is required to comply with the Ohio Supreme Court Ruling for the storm water management program because it is in the NEORSD unlike other parts of the city. By including the entire city in this program would make NEORSD responsible for maintaining about 21 miles of waterways that are here in our city. Also more storm water projects can be addressed throughout the city. 75% of funds collected will go towards regional projects that can help our city and we can apply for. Most importantly 25% of those funds stay here in North Royalton and can be used to address smaller scale storm water projects. Also positive news is that the large portion of the Rocky River Watershed that flows through Ward 3 would be covered under the program and will help in addressing storm water issues in those areas. Also NEORSD brings a great deal of technical expertise in addressing storm water issues which is something that is needed to address more of the remaining issues we have. There will be ways for residents to get discounts off their bill for doing things like rain gardens, reducing impervious surfaces, vegetated filter strips, and more. Also residents who have a home owners association that maintains a detention basin may qualify for additional discounts. Seniors and those with income based concerns there are additional programs that will be available to possibly help reduce costs too. All of these will be explained in greater detail at community meetings that will be hosted at some point to explain the program and share things they can do to reduce costs. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

New Business Coming to City
Sherwin-Williams is the first tenant for this newly completed Norwood Development site located at 6285 Royalton Rd. It is expected to open late spring or early summer and will occupy about half of the building. Read More.

Around Ward 3

Guest Speaker at Valley Vista Elementary School
On March 2nd was a Guest Speaker at Valley Vista Elementary School. Where I spoke to the entire third grade class which has been doing a Social Studies Unit on the topic of local government. I shared with the third graders how the branches of the local government work together here in North Royalton and my experiences as Councilman. Special thanks to Valley Vista Elementary School for the invitation to speak!

State of the City Address
On March 16th attended the annual State of the City Address delivered by Mayor Stefanik. It was great to hear about all the positive things going on here in North Royalton. Read More.

Spring Food Box Distribution
On March 19th helped out with the Spring Food Box Distribution at the North Royalton Food Bank. It was also so sweet to see the nice bunny bags that the 1st graders from Royal View Elementary School made to give out to kids in families living in need here in North Royalton. Thank you to all those who made donations to the Food Bank to help residents in need here in our community. Read More.

North Royalton Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt
On March 20th attended the Annual North Royalton Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt. Special thanks to the North Royalton Kiwanis Club and volunteers for making it such a fun event for all the kids! Read More.

RISE Event
On March 23rd participated as a guest evaluator for the North Royalton City School District’s Research and Independent Study Extravaganza (RISE) Event. The student presentations were excellent! Great job to all the students who worked so hard on their research projects!

Exterior Property Maintenance Reminder
As your Councilman I get reports from the Building Department on various violations by Ward 3 property owners, which city building inspectors have found during their inspections. A common violation I start to see this time of the year as the weather gets warmer is of non-compliance with Section 660.14(a) (b) (c) (d) of the Codified Ordinances of North Royalton titled “Weeds and Grass”. A majority of these are properties that appear to be either vacant or in foreclosure, in which the grass has not been cut or the weeds have become overgrown. Here are some helpful reminders about what property owners are required to do for exterior maintenance of their property. Property owners are required to cut any weeds, grass, underbrush and non-edible grass or woody vegetation in excess of 6 inches. Ensure that any ditches are kept clear of any type of grass, underbrush in excess of 6 inches. Exterior of property areas of all premises and lots shall be kept free of any debris, objects, material or conditions which may create a health, accident or fire hazard. The exterior of every structure or accessory structure including fences, shall be maintained in good repair and all surfaces shall be kept painted. Storing abandoned or junk vehicles on your property is not allowed. If you know of any properties like this in our ward that may have an issue, please report them to the Building Department at 440-582-3000

Curbside Rubbish & Recycling Reminder

North Royalton Ward 3 residents just a reminder you need to follow the city’s rubbish & recycling guidelines. Click Here to view them. Also with all the windy weather lately, please try and make sure that you have your rubbish and recycling properly bagged or if you use containers that the lids are secured so that it does not blow all over your street or neighboring properties. If you have any issues with your curbside rubbish pick up call the North Royalton Service Department at 440-582-3002.

Send In Your Feedback
Got an issue you are concerned about? Is there a Homeowner Association Meeting, Condo Association Meeting, Community Organization Meeting, Block Party, or Event that you would like for me attend? Email me your feedback at ward3@northroyalton.org


Upcoming Events

City Council Streets, Storm Water, and Utilities Committee Meetings April 5th at 6pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting April 5th at 7:30pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

Used Book Sale
Friends of North Royalton Branch Library are having a Used Book Sale on April 16th from 9am-4pm at the North Royalton Branch Library located at 5071 Wallings Rd.

City Council Finance, Safety, and Building & Building Codes Committee Meetings April 19th at 6:00pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agendas.

City Council Meeting April 19th at 7:30pm at City Hall. Click Here to view agenda.

Heritage Home Program Community Information Session
The Heritage Home Program is hosting a Free Community Information Session on April 21st at 6:30pm at the North Royalton Public Library 5071 Wallings Rd. in Conference Room 123. Click Here for more information.

NRHS Marching Band Fill the Truck Easter Seals Drive
The North Royalton High School Marching Band will be holding their 3rd Annual Fill the Truck Easter Seals Drive on April 23rd from 9am-6pm at the North Royalton Board of Education Office located at 6579 Royalton Rd. Click Here to learn more.

Medication Take Back Day 
Help to keep our community safe by dropping off unneeded, expired medications for safe disposal at the Medication Take Back Day on April 30th from 10am-2pm at the North Royalton Service Department 11545 Royalton Rd. Read More.

Monthly Coffee with Councilman Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton Ward 3, you are invited to attend my monthly constituent coffee. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. The next coffee will be held on:
When: April 30, 2016
Time: 10:00am-11:00am.
Where: Subway
5660 Wallings Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133

City Calendar for April


Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
14600 State Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone: 440-785-4240
E-mail: ward3@northroyalton.org
