

Greetings Ward 3 Resident,

My name is Dan Langshaw and I am your new Councilman. My name may sound familiar to you because, I served as a member of the North Royalton School Board. Recently, City Council appointed me to the vacant Ward 3 Council Seat after the death of our friend and Councilman Don Willey. I will be serving on the following council committees: Review & Oversight Committee Chair, Safety Committee Vice Chair, and Finance Committee Member. This November I plan to humbly ask for your support so I can continue to serve the residents of Ward 3. In the months to come I plan to host monthly coffees, go door to door to introduce myself to the residents of our ward, and send out a monthly e-newsletter.

This is the first edition of the Monthly Ward 3 E-Newsletter. It is important that residents are kept informed about what is going on in Council, our City, and our Ward. You are receiving this because you have requested to get these updates, or are someone who has an interest in knowing more about our city. If you no longer want to get these updates, please e-mail me back that you want to be removed from the list. Also if you have any suggestions on things you like to see in future newsletters please let me know.

If you like to learn more about me check out my website at www.danlangshaw.com. I can also be reached by E-mail me at ward3@northroyalton.org or by phone at 440-785-4240 if you have a question or concerns. Look forward to meeting you soon!


Dan Langshaw
Ward 3 Councilman
North Royalton City Council
13834 Ridge Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone: 440-785-4240
Fax: 440-237-5024
E-mail: ward3@northroyalton.org


Some highlights from the April City Council Meetings. Council approved Resolution 13-53 opposing HB 5 that is pending in the Ohio General Assembly. Below is a good article about the impact of HB 5:

The Utilities Committee had further discussion this month on Ordinance 13-54 regarding an Oil & Gas lease proposed for the planets. Over a dozen residents spoke out against this well and voiced their concerns about this issue during the committee meeting. Council has placed this ordinance on 3rd Reading and has scheduled a Public Hearing on the matter for May 14th at 6pm at City Hall. Below is a good article the gives some background on this issue.

If you like to learn more about what is going on in City Council check out the minutes online at: http://www.northroyalton.org/Council_Minutes_2013.htm


EMS Renewal Levy
The city is asking residents to continue to support North Royalton’s emergency medical service by renewing a 1.7 mill operating levy. City council put this renewal levy on the May 7th ballot. Please support this renewal levy and help us keep the excellent EMS service that we have here in our city. To learn more about the renewal levy check out these links:

The North Royalton Post Article

Letter to Editor by NRFD Chief Chegan

Annual Hydrant Flushing
The Fire Department began hydrant flushing throughout the City on Tuesday, April 30th and will continue through June 30th. The hours will be from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Fire Department advises residents to check the water for a rusty color before drinking it, beginning food preparation or doing laundry. If the water is discolored, run only the cold water for a few minutes until it is clear. We will be using the City’s telephone notification system to alert neighborhoods of pending hydrant flushing. If you have any questions; please call the Fire Department at (440) 237-4315.

Recycling Changes
Due to significant changes and restrictions directed by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the City of North Royalton is required to modify our Saturday drop-off recycling program.

After April 27, 2013 we will no longer be able to accept the following materials:

Motor Oil
Car and tractor batteries

Conrad’s at 5118 Royalton Road will accept used tires. There is a $2.00 per tire environmental fee. Used oil, antifreeze and batteries are accepted free of charge at several locations in the immediate area. For example, Advanced Auto Parts at 10200 Sprague Road accepts used motor oil and batteries 7 days a week during their normal business hours.

Please go to www.1800recycling.com for an easy to use website to locate additional merchants who accept used oil, batteries and antifreeze free of charge.

For more information on the recycling program, please click on the link below.
New Recycle Yard Guide

The “Do Not Knock” Registry
As we move into Spring we begin to see an increase in activity with solicitors in our city. All solicitors that want to sell their services or goods in North Royalton are required to register and be issued a solicitor’s permit through the Police Department. Solicitors are required to carry their permit with them at all times when they are working and if requested must produce it for your confirmation. Some residents may want to take advantage of these services. However, if you choose not to have solicitors come to your home you can register with the city’s “Do Not Knock” program. You can sign up on the city’s website at www.northroyalton.org or you can pick up a registration form at City Hall or the Police Department. We also have a static cling door sticker that states No Peddlers or Solicitors allowed. These static cling stickers are also available at City Hall and the Police Station. Solicitors are given detailed instructions regarding our “Do Not Knock” registry and how to work within the guidelines of the ordinance. If you are registered in the “Do Not Knock” and a solicitor knocks on your door you should immediately call the North Royalton Police Department non-urgent number at 440-237-8686 to report this activity. In order for the Police Department to take action we need our residents to keep us informed when this activity is taking place. As a city we cannot legislate individuals from approaching your home that are of a political or religious nature or persons trying to influence opinion. As a resident you would have to conspicuously post a “No Trespassing” sign on your property to prevent all intrusions.
As always, if you see or suspect suspicious activity please immediately contact the North Royalton Police Department at 440-237-8686.

Yard Waste Curbside Pick Up
Yard waste, such as grass clippings, branches, brush and leaves, will be collected as part of the trash. Branches and brush should be cut into 3ft. lengths and tied in bundles weighing less than 35 lbs.

Yard Waste Drop Off
Kurtz Brothers opened up for the season on Monday, April 1, 2013 and will be open through Wednesday, November 27, 2013 (Mondays through Saturdays). The facility is located at 10789 Royalton Road at the rear of the property. If there are any questions regarding the drop off, call Kurtz Brothers at 440-237-7750. Proof of residency must be given for residential drop off.

All branches must be cut to four-foot lengths and tied in bundles with cotton cord or twine. NO vinyl or wire will be accepted. No logs or limbs over 8 inches in diameter. DO NOT MIX yard waste with dirt, rocks or sod, these items are not acceptable at the compost facility. Please DO NOT USE plastic bags, paper bags containing plastic liners or cardboard boxes.

From April 1, 2013 through November 27, 2013:
Monday through Friday: 7:30am – 3:30pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 12:00pm

Recycle/Rubbish Collection
Residents are reminded that items for pick up should be placed curbside on your scheduled day BEFORE 7AM. Please refer to the Rumpke guidelines for any questions you may have about disposal or call Rumpke at 1.800.828.8171. Large Item Pick-up (furniture, metal items, TVs, appliances) PLEASE CALL RUMPKE 24-hours in advance to schedule pick up.

Are there any streets or roads in our ward that you like to see repaired? If so where? Email me your feedback at ward3@northroyalton.org. At the May Streets Committee Meeting I can pass along your feedback to our City Engineer as he prepares for next years Issue 1 Funding Requests for projects.


Monthly Coffee with Councilman Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton Ward 3, you are invited to attend my monthly constituent coffee. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me.

The next coffee will be held on:
When: April 27, 2013
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Where: Mugshotz Coffee & Smoothies
6556 Royalton Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133

Shred Event
Shred your confidential documents safely and securely with the help of the North Royalton Recycling Program on Saturday, April 27th from 9 am until 12 pm at the York Road baseball fields, 14631 York Road. This event is a public service open to all North Royalton non-business residents (only) at no cost. Please be prepared to show proper identification indicating you are a North Royalton resident.

May 7, 2013 Primary Election
Polls are open: 6:30am – 7:30pm. If you do not know your polling location please click on this link to find out:

Oil & Gas Well Public Meeting on May 14th @ 6pm at City Hall 13834 Ridge Rd.

City Calendar for May

If you ever have any questions, concerns, or need assistance please feel free to give me at call at 440-785-4240 or e-mail me at ward3@northroyalton.org. You can also keep in contact with me through my Website at www.danlangshaw.com or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at DanLangshawNR.
