Good Evening:
If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to start receiving my weekly e-mail newsletter please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at
The School Board met on October 18th for its’ October Regular School Board Meeting. The board had a few special guests at its’ meeting such as acknowledging the work of Corey Vetovitz, a NRHS sophomore and Eagle Scout who did a project as part of obtaining his Eagle Scout Badge by fixing up the grounds at Albion Elementary School. The Board was also given a great treat of listening to a performance by 9 year old George Shum, a piano prodigy who recently performed at Carnegie Hall. During the meeting when approving the minutes for the September 9, 2010 Special Board Meeting, I offered an amendment to correct some inaccuracies in the minutes for the public record to show that a recorded vote had taken place at the last Special Board meeting in regards to approving district owned cell phones to board members for board business. All of the board’s meetings must follow Ohio’s Open Records and Open Meetings laws known as the Sunshine Laws. Mrs. Hannan and I tried to correct the record to ensure compliance with these laws but the majority of the board thought differently and the past board meeting minutes were approved by a 3-2 vote. The Board approved 2010-2011 student activities. The Board also approved a proclamation declaring October the Month of the Young Adolescent. In addition the Board approved various appointments and service agreements. The Board approved the appointment of Carolyn Baetjer as the new District Health Coordinator. Board approved a resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding with the North Royalton Athletic Boosters. The Board approved also various other agenda items, and such other matters that came before the Board.
Attended the home NRHS Football game vs. Valley Forge High School on October 15th, the bears won 41-20 and are now have a 7-1 record on the season. Congrats! Also it was Band Night, to recognize all our students who are members of our marching band. Best wishes to our band at their upcoming band competitions!
This week there are various meetings and events.
Facilities Committee Meeting on October 19th at 7pm @ NRHS Media Center
14713 Ridge Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133.
Curriculum & Instruction Assessment Committee Meeting on October 20th at 9:00am
@ NRHS Community Rm. 14713 Ridge Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133.
The next SCENE (School Community Exchange Night for Education) will be held on October 21st at 6:30pm at Valley Vista Elementary School, 4049 Wallings Rd.; North Royalton, OH 44133. SCENE is an informal opportunity for questions and answers about our North Royalton City School District. Hosted by Valley Vista Elementary Principal Beth O’Donnell and Superintendent Ed Vittardi. The Valley Vista PTA Meeting will take place immediately following SCENE.
North Royalton Stadium Fundraiser
North Royalton Stadium Foundation is having a Wing Night Fund Raiser on October 23, 6-9 pm at Jocko’s Bar & Grill. Tickets are still available – $20 donation. For tickets call NR Stadium Foundation Chairman Larry Vasil (440) 570-2446.
Monthly Coffee with School Board Member Dan Langshaw
If you are a constituent living in the North Royalton School District, you are invited to attend my next monthly constituent coffee on October 25th at the French Quarter Café located at 5540 Wallings Road in North Royalton from 6pm to 8pm. I hold these coffees in order to stay in touch with fellow residents and listen to their feedback one on one. There is no appointment necessary. Simply stop by and talk to me. Hope to see you there!
Dress Drive for kids with Cancer
What do you do with your used Homecoming or Prom dresses? The Cleveland Clinic
is looking for used dresses for a Prom for kids with cancer that will not make it to their own Prom. Help make a special night come true!!! Bring your dress to the High School
Activities Office from October 4th – 29th. This drive is sponsored by the High School Student Council. For more information please contact NRHS Student Council Advisor
Erin Pontikos at 440-582-7816 or by e-mail at
NR Health Wellness & Community Expo
The North Royalton City Schools in cooperation with the City of North Royalton and Sports Rehabilitation Consultants will be hosting a Community Health and Wellness Expo on Saturday November 6th from 8am until noon. The event will be held at North Royalton High School. Please see the attached flyer for details of the event, activities and vendors that will be participating. This event is open to all residents and is free of charge.
Rush for a Cause
Rush for a Cause is a Ohio non-profit organization (filing for 501(c)(3) status) created to provide community and financial support for seriously injured high school athletes. The campaign enlists other High School Varsity RB’s to secure individual and corporate sponsors willing to pledge money for EACH YARD THEY RUSH, starting with the 2010 high school football season. As an alternative, donations are welcome. North Royalton High School RB Logan Pearce is collecting donations this season. Donation jars are at the concession stands at each home football game or you can contact Logan Pearce at 440-582-1806 or check out the organization’s website at
My Contact Info
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to give me at call at 440-596-0078 or e-mail me at
Weekly E-mail Updates
If you have any friends or neighbors who would like to receive my weekly e-mail updates please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my e-mail list. Or if they like they can sign up on the homepage of my website at
Have a Great Week!
Dan Langshaw
North Royalton School Board Member
“Putting Students First”